Avoid those Speed Bumps on the Stock Exchange; Take the Smoother Road to Self-Directed Investments

Published on November 22, 2016


In June 2016, the IEX Group was approved to become a stock exchange, prompting the venerable New York Stock Exchange to consider adding a feature that IEX has. It’s called a speed bump, a 350-microsecond delay to trading activities that slows down some orders. IEX has it in place but the NYSE leaders are not fans, saying that this strategy relies on hidden orders that are not visible until filled—dark trading.

What makes stock exchanges such frenzied activity centers is that compete to attract a multitude of publicly visible orders; this attracts more trading and builds confidence in stock prices.

Cognizant of the IEX Group’s ever-so-marginally slower trading, the SEC, after approving IEX to join the stock exchange world, also updated a rule that will compel other markets to honor trades subject to a speed bump.

Investors who self-direct their retirement plans, and include alternative assets in those plans, have lots more to talk about than speed bumps and visible trade orders. They get to talk about including a wide array of nontraditional investments in their retirement portfolios, far beyond traditional stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Self-directed retirement plans can include real estate, precious metals, commodities, private placements and much more, with the account owner in control of his or her investment strategy.

Do you have certain alternative assets that you are familiar with, and would like to include in your retirement portfolio? Consider opening a self-directed IRA with Next Generation Trust Services. Our information white paper explains it all to you, and our Starter Kits can get you on the road to building retirement wealth with what you already know and understand.

Have questions? The professionals at Next Generation can give you the answers and guidance you need on the road to self-directed investing. Contact us at Info@NextGenerationTrust.com or 888.857.8058.