Next Generation & North American Savings Bank Webinar: Non-Recourse IRA Loans and Self-Directed IRAs

Published on September 24, 2012

Next Generation Trust Services, LLC is proud to present this informational webinar with Matthew Allen of North American Savings Bank.

Mr. Allen, author of “Leverage Your IRA: Maximize Your Profits with Real Estate” informed attendees how the process of becoming approved for an IRA non-recourse loan works and what the bank looks for before approval.

Jared Lopez of Next Generation Trust Services explained the details of self-directed retirement plans. In this presentation, Mr. Lopez covered the types of plans that can be self-directed, allowable investments, as well as investment restrictions.

In case you missed this educational self-directed webinar session you can access the recording of this seminar below!

For more information or to set up a webinar of your own with Next Generation, please guide any questions and inquiries via e-mail to or call our office at 973-533-1880.

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