NGTS CEO named NJAWBO 2011 Business Woman of the Year

Published on May 24, 2012

The award ceremony was held on May 22, 2012 in Bridgewater, NJ.

Jaime J. Raskulinecz, founder and CEO of Next Generation Trust Services, LLC, was named the 2012 statewide Business Woman of the Year by the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO). Raskulinecz, who received the prestigious award at the organization’s annual member meeting in Bridgewater, N.J. on May 22, was cited for her business successes, involvement in charitable endeavors, and her participation in NJAWBO’s Essex County chapter.

Businesswoman of the Year honors NJAWBO members who distinguish themselves in their businesses, the organization, and in the community. It recognizes them for their business skills and accomplishments and for being a positive role model for women. The statewide candidates must already have been honored by their chapters with this award to qualify for statewide consideration. Raskulinecz received the award from the Essex County chapter last spring.

Raskulinecz joined NJAWBO in 2007 and has served two years as her chapter’s vice president of public policy. She presents free educational seminars for NJAWBO members and guests about self-directed IRAs and has hosted the Essex chapter’s Mentoring Circle program in her company’s conference room.

See full press release at PRWeb, Jaime Raskulinecz is named Business Woman of Year by the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners.

For more information about NJAWBO and this prestigious award, visit NJAWBO’s website at

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