Administrator of Self-Directed Retirement Plans Launches YouTube Channel with Instructional Videos on Alternative Investments

Published on January 8, 2013

Investors Can Learn About Various Aspects of Self-Direction as Retirement Strategy on Next Generation Trust Services’ Channel. Next Generation Trust Services, LLC, a third-party administrator of self-directed retirement plans, is sharing helpful tips online about self-direction as a retirement wealth-building strategy.

Roseland, NJ (PRWEB) November 30, 2012

where individuals can watch presentations about various aspects of investing in alternative assets.

With self-direction, the investor makes all of his or her own investment decisions, usually based on what they already know and understand. CEO Jaime Raskulinecz said that many times, people open a self-directed retirement plan in order to invest in assets they are already investing in outside of their regular IRA. The self-directed retirement plan has all the same tax advantages of a typical IRA but allows for a more diverse array of alternative investments such as real estate, precious metals, commodities, and private placements.

Next Generation Trust’s YouTube channel hosts informative videos and presentations on topics related to nontraditional investing in a self-directed retirement plan, including:

Raskulinecz and her staff offer free educational seminars and webinars throughout the year about the many options and benefits of self-direction and have been adding content regularly to the company’s YouTube channel as a result. The presentations are for investors as well as financial planners, accountants, attorneys, and real estate professionals who may be advising clients on various types of investments.

“Self-direction as a retirement strategy has been growing in popularity and visibility, so it’s even more important to make sure all the right information is out there for the public to become as educated as possible,” said Raskulinecz. “Managing a self-directed retirement account is not for everyone but for certain savvy investors, this can be a great way to build a more lucrative retirement portfolio.”

For more information about self-direction or to open a self-directed IRA go to http:/ or call (973) 533-1880.