Next Generation Trust Services Starts 2013 with New Strategic Alliances, Continues Free Educational Seminars for Investors

Published on January 8, 2013

Administrator of Self-Directed Retirement Plans Will Speak at FortuneBuilders Conference, Host Investment Webinars in January. Representatives of Next Generation Trust Services, LLC, an administrator of self-directed retirement plans, will participate in educational programs, speaking engagements, and a national conference in January.

Roseland, NJ (PRWEB) December 26, 2012

, will participate in educational programs, speaking engagements, and a national conference in January. The events are in collaboration with various strategic partners that Next Generation Trust has cultivated over the years, as a trusted resource in the retirement industry.

Attendees of these events will learn valuable insights about the many options and benefits of self-directed retirement plans, which allow for a broad array of nontraditional investments. These events are as follows:

“We feel strongly about the word ‘trust’ in the Next Generation Trust Services name, and look to CEO Jaime Raskulinecz and her staff as our preferred sources for educational information and guidance about self-directed retirement plans,” said Paul Esajian, co-founder of FortuneBuilders Inc. “I know that boot camp attendees will walk away with valuable information about self-directed retirement accounts that they can put into action to build more creative, and potentially more lucrative retirement portfolios.”

Esajian, his brother JD, and Than Merrill—co-founders of FortuneBuilders—are a featured flip team on the popular A&E television series, “Flip This House,” where they have become familiar to millions of American households. Since first meeting Raskulinecz at a conference in 2005, the FortuneBuilders partners and team chose Next Generation Trust Services to manage their own self-directed accounts and refer their students there for self-directed retirement plans.

“LLCs are the most misunderstood investments people are looking to make using their IRAs,” said CEO Raskulinecz, “and there is real potential for investors to inadvertently make prohibited transactions. As self-directed retirement plans become more popular, we understand how important it is to continue educating the public about the various aspects of self-direction.”

Next Generation Trust Services offers free educational seminars and webinars throughout the year to help investors and their trusted advisors learn more about the growing trend toward self-direction as a retirement strategy. The firm’s popular series, Self-Directed 101 and Self-Directed 201 continue monthly on Wednesdays; a full schedule of upcoming events is available at

For more information about self-direction or to open a self-directed IRA go to http:/ or call (973) 533-1880.